Summer Sport Safety: The Dangers of Your Wedding Ring

The unofficial start of summer is upon us.
You can almost smell that freshly cut grass and hear the sizzle of the burgers on the grill.
But before you lace up those hiking boots, set the boat in the water, or start your summer softball league, you may want to think twice about keeping your gold wedding ring on your finger.
A wedding ring is a beautiful symbol of commitment. But that metal ring can also cause annoying irritation and can even put you - and your finger - in danger.
Sweaty hands plus a metal ring can put a damper on your summer plans.
When you are playing your favorite summer sport or just spending time in the hot sun, sweat is inevitable.
Unfortunately, sweat’s chemical makeup can make many metals - like the ones in your ring - begin to oxidize, liberating chemicals that can react badly with your skin.
Add that to the dirt, grime, and whatever else you get your hands into, and you’ve got a combination that can cause a red, itchy rash around your ring finger.
This is known as ring rash.
Ring rash can happen to anyone - even someone who has been wearing a metal ring for years without a problem.
You may be thinking, “I have a nice gold ring. It wouldn’t have that reaction.”
The truth is, even your gold ring could have underlying layers of various kinds of metal. And your sweat and daily friction can eventually expose those other materials in your ring. This can cause skin irritation to pop up what seems like out of nowhere.
And if an annoying rash isn’t enough to keep you from wearing your metal ring on your next adventure, the risk of damaging or permanently losing your ring should.
Playing sports, including water sports, with your ring on can not only put it through a beating and cause damage, but it also increases your risk of falling off, never to be found again.
We suggest avoiding this risk, and leaving your metal ring at home during your summer adventures this year.
Don’t let ring avulsion ruin your summer fun.
Ring rash is of course irritating but can easily be treated without worry.
But there is another danger of wearing your ring that has a much worse consequence- ring avulsion.
According to, ring avulsion - or degloving - “occurs when someone catches a ring on moving machinery or on a projection while descending unexpectedly or rapidly.”
If you are wearing a metal ring that isn’t built to break, you could end up losing your skin, tendons, and nerves, or even, your entire finger.
That doesn’t paint a very pretty picture.
Now, you may think you only have a risk of this injury if you work with machinery.
While that is one of the main culprits of ring avulsion, it can happen anywhere - especially when you are on the go and active.
According to Healthline, ring avulsion “often happens” when your ring is caught on metal equipment or even a basketball hoop.
That’s right - an innocent game of basketball can end in a lost finger instead of a slam dunk.
And just ask Jimmy Fallon about ring avulsion. His injury happened at home because of a rug and a piece of furniture.
Stay safe and be worry free with a silicone ring.
It’s pretty clear by now that your metal ring may not be the best accessory to take on your summer adventures.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t still show your commitment to your spouse.
Keep your fingers safe and have a worry free summer with a silicone ring from SafeRingz.

Made from medical-grade silicone, SafeRingz are comfortable, flexible, and, yes, even breakable.
SafeRingz will stretch and break if your ring gets caught - saving you and your finger from ring avulsion.
Our rings are also hypoallergenic and made from biocompatible material, meaning it is pretty unlikely you’d develop a ring-rash causing allergy.
And even if you get your hands dirty on your next adventure, silicone rings are easy to clean - just use some soap and water to avoid any irritants that may cause a reaction.
Now that all sounds like a win-win.
But the best part?
If things get crazy and you do happen to lose your SafeRingz or it breaks in a sticky situation, it won’t cost you an arm and a leg to replace it.
Now that is what we call a win-win-WIN.
And as a way to celebrate the return of summer, enjoy 10% off your order with code SUMMER10.
Click here to keep you and your fingers safe on any job or adventure this season.
Now go have fun (and stay safe!) out there!
*Offer Expires September 11th, 2022